Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Ceramic heads with flowers

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So clearly I am working in a new medium, taking a ceramic class. It's great
because we are free to make what we like in the class, and by the end of the last session I really started to figure out what i wanted to do, and became addicted! So I signed up again.  I did use clay in college (and tons of classes as a child!) but never as free and creatively as now. Ok, I take that back, as a kid, it was pretty free
and creative, but I do think I was following assigned projects. 

I do not have a great photo of this....but this was my 
Dios De los Muertos skull I made in October. I love it so much
I have not put away with seasonal decorations yet. 
I sort of made this on the spot, and the flowers turned out so cool, 
It was pretty great.  I will update with a better photo of the entire skull. 

I have alway loved the Lady Head Vases, and wanted to try my own version. 
These are sitting in my china cabinet a the moment, not really 
fit for cut flowers like the vases that inspired me. But 
a plant? A candle? Tea? 

Top view

And this one too, same deal, not sure what she will be used for yet other than 
to decorate my china cabinet. But I love her.

Much more to show soon.
Hopefully with better lighting!

I am definitely still drawing too, more than ever actually. I am taking one of the 
amazing Lilla Rogers MATS courses, and well, it's amazing and I will 
have to start another post for that!

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